
Below you can find out all the information you need on the services, shops and businesses in the Alexandra and Central Otago region.

If you are a Central Otago based business and want to be added to the directory, please complete the online application form here.



  • Directions:


myITmanager is an IT services company. Our name says it all: we work with our clients - as their IT manager, being there to give them the confidence to concentrate and focus on what they do best.

We are experts in cloud based solutions, and help clients make the best decisions about their future technology needs, what solutions to implement, how to host these systems, protect them and above all keep their business running.

Technology is an increasingly critical part of keeping a business operating, so we believe our biggest contribution is simply being available when needed. We pride ourselves on our ability to understand our clients business, pro-actively keeping them up to date with the latest technology and personalising our solutions to fit.